January 2013 Program: “Rats in the Family”

January 11, 2013 @ 12:30 AM – 3:00 AM
Emily Fowler Public Library
502 Oakland
Texas 76201

“Rats in the Family”
By Barbara Wylie.

“Every family has a few shady characters, the kind who get hauled into court, chased out of town, thrown out of church and written about in the newsparer. Use the trail these rats leave to gather information about them and your more respectable ancestors as well.”

Barbara Wylie is a long-time member of the Association of Professional Genealogists at various times as an officer. She is a member of several metro-plex genealogical societies, but she considers the Grand Prairie Genealogical Society her “home base” and has served it in several capacities. Barb’s speaking experiences includes from national conferences to Boy Scouts earning the genealogy merit badge.

She is the recipient of four Texas State Genealogical Society writing awards, her articles have been published in several genealogical magazines, numerous genealogical journals and on the Family Tree Maker website. Her special interest is gathering the details that tell each ancestor’s story.

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